When you stay in our 3.5 star rated Burleigh Beach Accommodation, prepare to find yourself amidst expansive and self-contained apartments. Our Horizons Holiday Resort offers you a perfect holiday break.
The following are basic information you need to know about our Burleigh Beach Accommodation.
Check-in and check-out
Regular check-in time is 2:00 to 5:00pm while regular check-out is at 9:30am. If you have plans to arrive or depart outside of these regular schedules, please advise us and we’ll do our best to accommodate all your requests. Take note that charges could apply.
If you want a late check-out, please advise us and we’ll inform you if this is available. Take note that charges similarly apply during late check-outs.
When you check-in, we will request for an imprint of your valid credit card. In the absence of a credit card, we will require a security bond.
If you are arriving late, we have in place an after hours check-in procedure. We highly recommend that you contact us before your scheduled arrival in order for us to explain to you the entire procedure.
Our Burleigh Beach Accommodation offers a slew of facilities designed to make your stay positively unforgettable. Enjoy our heated swimming pool, heated wading pool, sauna, spa, barbecue area, play-safe playground, games room with a pool table, mini golf course. Take note that all our pools are electrically heated all throughout the year to a comfortable temperature of 28 degrees. Meanwhile, the spa is heated to 34 degrees.
You can also experience poolside picnics thanks to our Bali hut and grassed area. A security car parking is also available. Each unit is allocated a single secure car space.
Internet or WiFi is available to our guests with applicable charges.
If you stay with us for ten nights or more, expect us to provide you with a mid service stay. If you’re staying with us for less than ten nights, service is also available but with a minimal fee.
We provide all bed linens, bath towels as well as bath mats for all our guests. If you want extra linens or beach towels, we can provide these too but for a small cost.
What are you waiting for? Book with us now by going to http://horizons.etourism.net.au.